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On June 12th, there was a publication in The Wall Street Journal called ‘Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution’ telling about the underlying psychological and social problems that require to be addressed for example body dysmorphic disorder rather than permitting transgender people identified persons to take reassignment surgery. That article was based on the work written by Dr. Paul McHugh and stated that this issue isn’t about civil rights but about accepting surgery as one supported by health care, society is in reality providing a mental disorder. What transgender people actually think of this article?

One of the most famous Trans activists, models and porn stars Mia Isabella has something to say on this topic: If to refer to real identified transgendered persons as under the wrong ‘assumption’ or confused of their core selves is a blatant showcase of how lots of people look at the community as less than human beings. Where the statement of Dr. McHugh who is Catholic conservative and his article called ‘Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution’ a terrific physical alteration doesn’t address underlying social and psychological problems is concerned Mia agrees.

Nevertheless for those persons who live their adult lives bold enough to be who they are knowing the backlash and limitations they should struggle day per day based off their physical look that is obviously betraying the affected individuals sense of self, inner emotional fights surgery in different forms and confidence can completely provide positive life changing effects where it concerns something as simple as depression and as complex as body dysmorphic troubles.

Mia also sites quote from McHugh’s article saying ‘With body dysmorphic disorder, a frequently socially crippling condition, the person is consumed by the assumption “I’m ugly”’. She says that mentioned disorders appear in subjects who should come to believe that some of their social and psychological troubles or conflicts will be solved in case they can alter the way that they appear to other people.

For the transgendered, this statement means that one’s feeling of ‘gender’ is a subjective, conscious sense that, being in one’s brain, can’t be asked by other persons. The person frequently looks for not just society’s tolerance of this ‘private truth’ but appreciation of it. Here is the speech about ‘transgender equality’, the requirements for government payment for surgical and medical treatments, and for access to all based on sex public roles and advantages.

That quote itself seems to step from the point of an Elitist passing his own cash as if this movement is a welfare program and transgendered persons are standing in line asking for help. This isn’t just the case! Mia says before they are transgendered people, they are human and they are Americans and it is their born right as it is all others in America as the Declaration of Independence says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with particular unalienable Rights, that among these are Liberty, Life and the pursuit of Happiness.

While Mia’s friend and mentor Dr. Kaleita of UCLA Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Psychiatry Researcher, Department of Neurology influenced much on her development when it came to education and they attended lots of medical galas functions and philanthropy trips to widen her views on the world regarding issues he truly believed in, didn’t feel ten years ago that medical advancements concerning hormone therapy and surgeries regarding sexual reassignment had reached a top of success.

He completely believed that real transgendered people did actually contain the core essentials hormonally and chemically discovered in the opposite sex or identified gender and that conservative alterations caused by surgery after puberty where necessary in transitioning socially into adulthood. There is still the fact that various types of study done by various researchers will get various results is true when researchers have various agendas.

Transsexual activism at this level isn’t simply being led by those in political power but now by true transsexual persons making their voices heard telling their stories that no individual outside of the community can actually represent without real life experiences. Janet Mock, Geena Rocero and Laverne Cox, for instance, are being seen as faces and voices of the community permitting not just a medical study-goers point of view but a real glimpse into the lives of individuals like Mia.

The statement it seems presented in McHugh’s article presents no true facts on the contemporaty day transsexual individual yet uses his failed attempt and program back in the 70’s to speak that due to the lack of advancements and medical knowledge during the period of his research contemporary day efforts, political advancements and education regarding transsexual community must be seen as obsolete and not to be viewed seriously. Dr. McHugh explains his study at Johns Hopkins in the 70’s displaying poor outcomes from transsexual surgeries which is why he shut down his program in 1979.

Mia Isabella says that the outcry seen here in his article seems to be a mob mentality effort at opposition which is the exact explanation why Barack Obama and his administration have been creating these sweeping alterations politically without fan fare or major media coverage as to no further procrastination in laws as to educational, medical and political rights that are simply as much their entitlements as every other citizen of the United States. There have been major advancements in the community in the last ten years yet the transgender community itself has been constantly left out of the loop where certain details, for example, the basic human rights to use the WC of a said individuals identifying gender or obtaining employment without discrimination or laws that protect transsexual people from violent acts were before not taken into consideration. It’s time now!

Is Transgender Surgery the Solution? Mia Isabella Speaks

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